Nottinghamshire News

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6th November 2023

Not a great start for Notts Masters 45s & 55s teams

45s TeamNotts Masters 45s and 55s teams opened their season when they entertained Derbyshire and Cheshire respectively at Chilwell Olympia on Sunday 5th November.

The 45s, playing in the Midlands division, were unable to overcome the all-round strength of old rivals Derbyshire, the team won 1 x Men’s, 2 x Ladies and 1 x Mixed rubber, resulting in a 4-8 loss.
Lee Truong was unbeaten in the match, playing at 1st Ladies with debutant Helen Goff and 1st Mixed with partner Sion Severn.
Welcome Helen, good to have you on board.
The team play again next Sunday November 12th, Away against Shropshire.

Notts 55s, winners of the North Division last season, were without stalwart Adam Buck due to injury.
They too battled hard, taking five rubbers to three sets, winning two.
Overall, the team won 3 x Ladies and 1 x Mixed rubber, resulting in a 4-8 loss.
Karen Gleave was unbeaten in the match, playing at 1st Ladies with partner Loraine Buck and 1st Mixed with Adrian Mateo.
Good to see Graeme Wallace returning to play Master’s badminton again.
The 55s next match is the return match against Cheshire on Sunday 19th November.

45s Team:
Lee Truong, Sion Severn – Forest B.C.
Nathalie Woolsey-Butler – Crusader B.C.
Steph Clark, Helen Goff – Beeston Fields B.C.
Mathew Haigh, Darren Bridge, Con Truong – Mapperley Park B.C.

55s Team:
Karen Gleave, Sally Moore – Crusader B.C.
Loraine Buck – Forest B.C.
Sarah Heathcote – Bingham B.C.
Warwick Mooney, Graeme Wallace – Beeston Valley B.C.
Neil Franklin – Boots B.C.
Adrian Mateo – East Leake B.C.

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